Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lemon yellow sun

At last, a place of our own. We moved back into Vancouver and are living a family of three instead of a family of a thousand and one. And it feels good...damn good!

Don't get me wrong, I love having family around...but at arms length...weekly visits, not daily, hourly.

And so we've painted our place yellow, "Celestial Sun" reads our paint swatch. It's bright and kind of country. It works well with our furniture which is mostly dark brown...kind of poo and pee-ish now that I think about it but that's because I'm juvenile like that.

I'm due for a monthly (or at the rate I'm going, quarterly) update of my little pork dumpling so I'll get on that asap...because she's truly amazing and getting more and more amazing every day. I mean, she's this amazing: she leans in for kisses now, like smoochy kisses not just pecks and I can't get enough of them. She gives me big wet smooches on my cheek when I'm not looking or when I'm preoccupied. It's killer cute.

And one more thing before I go, I've been back at my old job for a week...just to get my feet wet and test the waters of what it'll be like when I go back full-time in November. And I can't get over the strangeness of the work day. We get out of bed, get dressed up and put make-up on to sit at a desk for 8 hours, then rush home to eat, go to bed and repeat. I guess being off work has really put things in perspective for me. I think I work better on my own schedule. I was at my desk today with a pile of documents on my desk to review and I couldn't focus. If I was at home, I could've gone to the gym during that time and starting working later on when I felt a little more focused. So because of this, I've been talking to Victor about possibly going back to school part-time...take a different turn in my future because the work life that I was so enmeshed in before my mat leave is no longer appealing to me. And I need to work towards a better we'll see what the future holds.

Alright, it's peace out time so night night y'all!