Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tawit Tawoo

Oh me oh my oh. Here I am, posting from work for the first time. Typically, I don't even have time to say hello, let alone type out an entire blog post. But this summer, things are different. It's been about a week with much ado about nothing. I sit here thinking "can you spare a square?"...of work that is. And nada. So I tip-type away pretending to be busy when really I'm emailing a friend about that party on the weekend that was "off the hook" or "off the chain". I didn't really say that actually. I probably used the typical "ridiculous".

So anyways, as I sit here, checking my Aeroplan points and looking up my healthcare spending account balance, I wonder if I'm making the right decision to leave work. I've started fretting a little that we may not have enough money to pay a lease on an office space, and buy a copier, and pay for medical. This morning, Victor offered this "it costs about $6,000 a month to rent an office space on X street". WTH? Never even thought about it. The fact that I'm going to have to bring in about $10,000 a month to be comfortable? RIDICULOUS.

And so ofcourse, I'm not going to do anything about this worry but hope for the best. I mean, it's in two years time. And hopefully, when I'm off work, I can put together a stellar business plan that itemizes all these costs so nothing is a surprise.

And further to this having too much time on my hands to think, I've been getting on Victor's case a lot. Thinking of all the things that should get done, and actually saying "why the heck aren't they getting done?" Not good for the solid relationship front. Although, Victor takes it all in stride. He's a good man, my man.

And Bella, well I miss her much when I'm here with not much going on. When we could be at home together, or at the park or having a dance party in our kitchen.

Well, four hours down. Lunch time then another four to go. And only two more days of this until the weekend, hoorah!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy 134th Canada!

What a Canada Day it was. We started off at the mall of all places, where I had to return a few things. As we strolled through right at the moment of stores opening, we walked by the Apple store where a crowd had gathered. I said aloud to Victor "why the heck is that store always so packed? I don't get it? I mean, how many people on any given day can be in the market for a laptop or ipod?" Then all of a sudden, we heard a deep voice singing Canada Day. We looked in and saw that all of the staff were standing at the front of the store, singing, while a bigger dude in the middle, was leading the pack with his beautiful voice. It felt weird. I guess the anti-consumerism rants proferred on me by my dad were coming out on me. And it wasn't only me, but a handful of people in the crowd were all laughing at the ridiculousness of it. I had a good laugh to myself.

So we went about our day and made our way to H&M where further rampant consumerism ensued. I kind of love rampant consumerism right now.

After coming home for nap time, we made our way downtown, to...well honestly, to eat. The skytrain ride was a bit stressful as B is now scared of the tunnels. So we had a screaming child on our hands, who at the each stop would say to me really sincerely "I'm done mommy". It was kind of cute (not the screaming part), and we figure she needs to ride the skytrain more often to get used to it.

So we walked around the convention centre and tried ALL the food (chinese, portuguese, french, french canadian, italian). It was good times and an expanding waistline of fun. We walked a ton more and finally made it back to the stage to watch the Grapes of Wrath play a few songs. Bella was a bit tired but showed us a couple of her dance moves in the middle of the crowd. For the most part though, she protected her Dora doll from other kids who tried to snatch it.

And so that's it for now. And the diet starts today :)