Monday, March 29, 2010

Rice cereal, dark chocolate and will this rain ever end?

Today was such a blah day. I started out the day in a fairly good mood but as the weather darkened and the rain started pouring, I became more and more sour. And so my solution to a rainy day? Stay in and eat chocolate. Dark chocolate ofcourse. Since I don't do drugs or drink (well, on occasion...the drinking part I mean), my mood enhancer is a good dark chocolate. I typically buy the expensive stuff so that I stop myself from eating too much at once. My system didn't work too well today. But at least I felt better about the rain after my chocolate high and even ventured outside for a walk down to Commercial Drive for mint tea at Continental Cafe and a stroll through Wonderbucks.

And with little to no segue, yesterday was Bella's first time EVER with a real spoon and everything. Pretty exciting stuff for momma and poppa Bella Vida. It was only pasty white, bland rice cereal but she liked it, she really liked it! Proof positive:

And even more proof (warning - this is a loooong baby video...and I had major sniffly allergies so it may be a bit much for some...but really, I think it's the cutest thing ever if you just turn off the sound!):

Today is day two of Bella's introduction to food and I must say, I've never been so excited about making a bowl of cereal before. Well, maybe I have since I always dream about breakfast before falling asleep at night...but really, it's pretty much the most exciting thing ever. And look at her waiting in anticipation for that spoonful of goodness:

Oh and the pictures of Bella (promised in my previous post) taken at the shower (x 2) were not taken by me so it will be a while before I get any of them. And at one of the showers, the hostess used a non-digital camera. What the hell? I was handed the 35mm to take a couple of shots and felt like it was 1997 all over again. I'm no camera snob but let's all get with the 21st century shall we? She must be a number 7...not liking the rolling with change...hmmm, I wonder if I can fit numerology into every post...oh looks like I already have :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sleep at last...

Finally, I'm catching some zzz's. I've discovered the secret to sleep: the swaddle. Actually, it's more of a re-discovery than a new development. We swaddled her as a newborn but stopped because apparently Bella hates having her arms wrapped up. HOWEVER, and here's the major discovery, she will sleep for over 7 hours straight if they are. So BOOYA for swaddling!

And so we've been out and about because now I'm well-rested and enjoying the weather we've had in the last little while. We had another play date on Tuesday, this time with Harrison. An old friend of mine (Bobbi) from elementary school/high school came to town from Toronto and brought her 4 month old. Surprise surprise, we were pregnant at the exact same time last year! Only two weeks apart, Harrison and Bella checked each other out for a few hours while Bobbi and I ate seafood and antipasti at Provence along the seawall. There wasn't much play during the play date as it was chilly out and not good weather to take the munchkins out of their strollers. And Bella was sleeeeeepy so there was a lot of zzz's. Here's a shot of Bella taking a snooze:

Arms up in typical Bella style.

And here she is saying "cheese" while chillin' with Harry:

That's all I have for now as I have to get ready for another play date with Aria and a baby shower this afternoon. I'll have to post more pics of baby B hanging out with the chicas at the shower :)

And I'll have to re-cap ANTM later...although I don't have much to say other than it was cheeeeeezy! That Fab Bus segment was uber corny. And thank goodness the show is only an hour now. I couldn't handle the extra half hour of forcing myself to stay awake to watch panel. Complaints complaints. I know..."stop watching then" but I just can't. I can't do it. I'm an addict. I need help.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How do I feel...

About church. Growing up with a catholic mother and an atheist father, I've always been a bit confused about religion. Sort of middle of the road, ne sais quoi. The trinity and resurrection on the one hand and the practicality of evolution on the other.

My dad used to take my brother and I on long hikes as kids. We'd stop for lunch or the like and he'd unharness his rock pick (as a geologist, a must-have) and pick away at rocks of interest. I would say "Dad, if you don't believe in God, then what do you believe in?". And he'd say "I believe in this" holding up a rock, steady and sure in his hands. His beliefs weren't popular with my friends. "The world formed from a rock" I used to say.

"And it didn't happen in 7 days" I added. Then we'd go on to play after a bit of "No, God made the world".

I would go to church with my mom and get bored. I would keep myself busy by counting hats or black shoes. Stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up again. Those tight white mary janes always itchy and scabby after. After mass, I would run through the back hallways with other kids and play tag or hide n' seek or kick the can, while my mom had tea and cookies with friends in one of the backrooms. The priest was always funny.

And so I began to question religion. And continue to do so despite feeling a sort of beauty in it. Faith. Unquestioned and certain. Spirituality having your back forever.

Yesterday, my mom convinced me to bring Bella to the Anglican/Catholic church. Bella was to be presented to the church in a "presentacion" (said quickly and beautifully in Spanish). We went up to the front of the church, Bella in my arms and my parents at my sides (yes, my dad goes to church once in a while in support of my mom). The priest blessed Bella after reading a psalm in Spanish. La bendicion. Afterwards, my moms friends were there taking pictures and fawning over Bella and it felt good. The community of church. Everyone friendly and mingling, smiling and in good nature in the basement of the church. Tea and cookies and friendly conversation. Bella started to cry when she was placed in one too many strangers arms and so we left after thanking the priest.

And so now I begin the process of deciding whether to have Bella baptized. Some say "why not?" and other say "why?". And I am stuck in the middle. Leaning more towards the why not, I think of community and friends, togetherness and faith in life and others. The spirit having her back forever. And that's a good thing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vaccines, Playmats and Next Top Model post #2

Bella's dreaded 4 month vaccinations were yesterday. We were hoping and praying that this time Bella didn't have a screaming fit from muscle pain like she did at 2 months...and thank goodness, Bella screamed only when the needle went in (twice) and then was laughing and happy for the rest of the afternoon.

Before her shots, we went out and bought her a new playmat because firstly, I thought that she MUST be getting bored of staring at the same toys every single day for 4 months. And secondly, we felt bad about the shots and wanted her to not hate us. So we were super excited to put her on her new mat when we got home...we ripped that packaging apart and put Bella on her new mat...and felt like kids again, it was like waiting to see a parents reaction to a hokey gift you gave them. Immediately, she hated it...cried and wriggled around and didn't even want to look at the new toys. What the hell? So I picked her up and let her look at her new mat from afar. She stared in wonderment at it and even I put her down again. But nope, tears and wriggling. Again with the numerology, number 7's apparently don't like change and need slow transitions to new surroundings. So we put her old toys on her new mat...result: a few tears then breakthrough! She put one of the new toys in her mouth then smiled:

So the new playmat is here to stay :)


And now onto more frivolous things: ANTM. I couldn't have been more wrong. My girl Gabrielle is gone, and Naduah (who I found super annoying but nonetheless thought would be a contender to win) didn't make it through the final judging panel. And so now I'm thinking Raina might win...her picture was definitely "fierce".

Could that word be any more annoying? Wow, I love how I've used the word annoying at least 5 times in this and my last ANTM post and yet I continue to watch.

Anyways, what is up with Ren? Is heroine chic back in fashion? That's her on the left.

This girl here is definitely not a fan.

That's all I have for now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wanted: Sleep

Seeking at least 5 hours straight of uninterrupted sleep. Will settle for 4 if 5 is not available. Offering infinity plus 1 dollars...or infinity plus a hundred hugs and kisses for babies such as the one keeping me up at night. If said baby goes back to sleeping 6 hours straight, I will also include 100 days of books, songs and funny faces.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Play Dates and Next Top Model

Well, well. Bella has already become quite the flirt. We went to meet little Tristan who, by the way, is much too young for little Bellita (one month her junior). And Bella was reaching out to touch his face when we weren't looking:

(Incidentally, Victor and I only noticed this while looking at the pictures up close last night.)

Immediately, when we put the two babies close together, Bella reached out to grab his hands:

She definitely loves the boy babes :)

I couldn't believe how big Tristan is at 3 months...he's 16 lbs vs. Bella's measly 11 pounds at 4 months. I bet that's why Liliana has such cut arms with 2 boys to tote around.


On a completely unrelated note, I started watching America's Next Top Model this week. I began to think, am I too old to watch this show? The girls keep getting younger and younger and more annoying meanwhile I grow older and more annoyed. I could just be getting crotchedy in my old age, although, I doubt I'll stop watching. I'm still obsessed with this show even after almost what, ten years of being on the air? It's the transformation factor that fascinates me. I love a good makeover and this show is all about the makeover. With a bit of competitive cattiness in the mix. This makes for good tv.

I love little crazy-hair Gabrielle although I bet Naduah or Raina will win. Oh and I had a moment of disgust for the producers of the show when they panned on Danielle, the pierced girl, crying after losing the first round of cuts, and unbeknownst to her, showing her underwear (or no underwear? huh?). How humiliating. Was she not insecure enough, now she's going to see this and feel even worse about herself. Yet low and behold, I kept watching despite my disgust. I should write them a letter.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little Yogi

I've been told by two very spiritual people in the peripheries of my life that Bella will be a spiritual soul. A number 7 in numerology, Bella will apparently be very earthly and centered. As much as I want to be, I'm by no means a major follower of numerology nor do I put much thought into spirituality. However, I already feel Bella's calming power...her mellow, happy moods and wonderment of this world.

For this reason (and also because I darn well need to lose the final ten pounds of this baby weight), I have been taking her to yoga. It's now the third class in a row that I've taken her to and she has become a major yoga fan. She loves to watch me and other mommies go through the sun salutations, and ofcourse, likes to watch the other babies around the room.

As the moms all came together to chat and introduce our babes, two mothers were chatting offside about how beautiful and calm Bella is. I heard them as I was chatting to another mother and at that point, one of the moms came over to mention to me that Bella "is so mellow!". Bella spent the entire class in awe of my fluid movements and of the other babies smiles and cries. Calm and cool, a little drool and then it was time to go home.

And off we went to grandma/abuelita's house where the mellow disappeared and out came the tantrum! Bella wouldn't stop crying for almost an hour! I was all "where's the mellow now?" She's pretty well-rounded, that's for sure: a time to laugh, a time to cry.

And I leave you with a pic of little yogi relaxing with her grandma after a tough yoga session: