That's what I've been hearing all week. It's been a symphony of no and throwing fits fit for a queen. Can't watch Dora? Screams. Don't want to eat more than two bites of toast? More screams with flying toast for further effect. I even heard the word "stupid" in the mix. And on top of it all? Her first real lie. After Victor put her to bed while I was out for dinner, B screamed "I poo poo daddy, DIAPER CHANGE". He went in to change her, and was met with a mischievous smile, and then a laugh when there was no poo to be found.
Excuse the poo talk by the way. It's just part and parcel.
We also had a few outings with screaming (and I'm talking, LOUD screaming to the point where an old lady had to cover her ears) just for fun. Like it's a game.
This whole business of testing the waters is trying on me. I'm not sure how to react. I'm a calm person, and like to use reason. But them rules don't apply anymore. The calmer I am, the more she tests my patience. The more I reason, the more unreasonable she is. And so I need to keep in mind that this is just a phase. And that we'll get through this. It's only when we're out of the house that things get really bad. So maybe we'll just stay in for the next year. But no, then she'll never know what is acceptable outside of the house and I'll have a tantrumy child on my hand for the rest of my life.
And the thing is, she's cute...and much of an angel. She's smart and advanced and sweet like candy. I love this little munchkin to the end of the world and back. So this phase? I can handle it. We just need to work together, become a team. Give her all the attention I can so we become a happy duo. I'll let her stop to pick flowers and not hurry her along so that we can make it to that birthday party on time.
And truthfully, she amazes me. I watch her with other kids and I see this young girl (no longer a baby) with as my uncle put it "enormous and exceptional self-possession". She's a leader, with immense confidence and a ridiculous sense of humour. And I want to encourage all of her amazing qualities more than anything.
Wearing an outfit picked out by none other than Queen B. |
Tangent: Anyone else think "things" is a funny word? I do.