Monday, January 10, 2011

Complaints Department

So I must have some sort of magnetic ability to induce seizures or something. Last Friday, I was on the skytrain tired and annoyed about my morning commute when the passenger beside me started leaning into me. Then she started convulsing. On me.

After helping her sit down and pressing the yellow emergency strip, it came to me that that's two seizure incidents in a matter of two weeks. I think some people go their whole lives without witnessing a seizure. Crazy.

Then the weekend was a mess of me lying on the couch wishing I didn't have BRONCHITIS. That's right bronchi-kill-me-now-tis. And Bella either gave it to me or I gave it to the poor girl. I feel like a sick magnet (seizure magnet...everything horrible magnet).

And to top it all off, my brazilian blowout didn't turn out like I had hoped. My under hair (I don't know what to call it but anyone who has curly hair would understand) is super nice with defined curls, but my top hair is stringy and frizzy. And I kind of look like Larry of Larry, Curly and Moe. OR Krusty the Klown. So the outlook is not good on the growing it out front as I may need to cut it short to survive this haircut.

Further complaints:
I don't have enough clothes (that fit) to last me a full work week.
I can feel a pimple coming through on my top lip.
I just scrubbed the floors yesterday and they're dirty again.
I can't stop this nasty hacking cough.

On the brightside:
It's payday week.
Bella is getting better.
Christmas gift cards!
My throat's not sore anymore.
Kettle corn!

1 comment:

wendy said...

Complain away! Those are enough things to complain about. And it's good for the soul :)