Sunday, March 13, 2011

Accepting acceptance, big life changes and coffee shop pick-up lines

As you can tell by the above title, I was accepted!!! I realize after writing this that I never really divulged what I was applying for or for that matter, what I was hoping to be accepted to. So here goes: I was accepted to a master's program that I have been living and breathing and eating and sleeping. I have been immersed in a crazy amount of desire, buckets of it actually, a desire to be accepted into this program that I believe will change my life. And two days after my interview, I was told that I'm in! Immediately I was insanely elated. I was at work when I found out and all I could do was sit at my desk and smile. For 3 hours. I texted Victor and emailed a couple of friends. Then just sat there for 3 hours working away and not being able to concentrate.

Then you know what I did when I got home? I started to let doubt seep in again. I started to think "do I really want this?" "Maybe this isn't actually what I want to do." Then "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?" Typical me, after receiving good news, I celebrate first for a short while, then start to doubt with a smidge of fear. Funny being I am. But I've reconciled with myself and everything is good. I'm still a little fearful because I have a couple of difficult years ahead of me, but all in all, I'm in a happy place.

With this news comes some big decisions as well. The master's program requires me to devote 40 - 60 hours a week to my schoolwork. So that's like 40 - 60 hours on top of having a full-time toddler and job. It's tough to even imagine how I will Victor and I are thinking of some ways to manage this. And we'll leave this discussion for later.

So amidst the good news and celebration, we also won $75 on a lottery ticket on Saturday! Which was super well-timed because we had planned on going on a little road trip over the weekend. We drove up towards Whistler and stopped in Squamish. Had coffee and met a super cute couple with a baby. It was strange, because we talked for only a little while and I realized we had a lot in common. Then, Victor, B and I went back to the car...and I said out loud "I should have given them my number or facebook or something". And Victor said, "why don't you?". So I kind of boldly walked back in and gave them my facebook "handle" and email address. I totally just picked up a couple in a Starbucks. It definitely felt like I was asking them out on a date. But they seemed cool with it. I mean, they could have "wtf"-ed to each other after I left, and I may never hear from them again. But c'est la vie no?

And now I'm going to get ready for bed...10pm that feels like 9pm but really feels like 11pm to me. Good night!


rawbean said...

OMG! Congratulations!! This is huge news.

We gotta go for coffee and celebrate.

I love that you picked up another couple - too cute!

Katrina said...

Congratulations!!! That's 'awesome'!!! I'm very impressed you kept this to yourself all that afternoon at did I not notice? And here we are, a month or so later and I'm so excited for you and, in a very selfish way, I'm glad you shared your news and gave me a kick in the pants to find my own exit strategy too. Hurrraaaah!

Great pick-up strategy too ;-)