Thursday, October 20, 2011

Expand and Contract

Well there you go. My last post was in July. Figures as much. I was thinking yesterday that my personal tagline should be "expand and contract" or "all or nothing". Seems absolutely appropriate in light of my posting neglect.

I have had a lot going on in the last couple of months. I had a full two weeks of intense in-class coursework, piles upon piles of readings, daycare pick-ups and days of "what-the-heck-are-B-and-I-going-to-do-all-day". Meanwhile I was asked to work three days a week on contract, to which I accepted. So here I am, finally with 5 assignments out of the way and a stack of reading to do (which may or may not be neglected today); I am ready for a "me" day. Do you like the use of that semi-colon? I do too, thanks.

I may or may not update my badly neglected ipod playlists and go for a run today. I really feel like my body needs it. My body feels like it's in the "expansion" phase of expand and contract. Victor and I incidentally quit eating wheat a week ago, and we feel excellent. More clear headed and less grumpy, that's for sure. But we've since replaced wheat with things like corn tortillas, potatoes and rice. I'm not feeling like it's good for the waistline. And may or may not be good for the bowel system if you know what I mean.

The most important thing going on is that Bella is turning TWO YEARS OLD in a week and a half! It's unbelievable. Where did those two years go? So cliche, but it seems like just yesterday, she was learning to lift her little head.

Yesterday, as we were sitting at the dinner table, I asked her "did you play with Denny today at daycare?" to which she replied "no, I no play boys". Shock! She shocks me with these full sentences and thoughts. And especially her anti-boy sentiment at only two...which I had to explain to her that she should always remember to be nice (but inside kept thinking, you go girl!). Not sure if the "be nice" mantra is such a good one anyways. Truthfully, this girl is maturing way too quickly and I wish I could slow it down in someway. But that's her pace, and I have to keep up!

So her halloween extravaganza will see her suited up, baby giraffe style:

I must say, my favourite part of the day is picking my little giraffe up from daycare and seeing her smiling face and wide open arms saying "mommy". And to match, our nightime routine is up there in the top two: reading those books under a cozy blanket and "Bo", her teddy in our arms. The point where I turn off the light and we sing our song together "aruru mi nina" in Spanish. The same song my mom used to sing to me as a child. Except I changed the lyrics from "if you don't go to sleep, a coyote will eat you" to "if you don't sleep, you'll eat a piece of corn". To avoid those I right?

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Awww what a cutie she is - and almost two already!!! Yikes, I don't even know what I've done with those 2 years either.

Sounds like you have a full plate but thank goodness for those precious moments that keep us grounded.

Think changing the lyrics to the nighttime song was wise :-) What a fab mommy you are. I could do with that song myself sometimes.

P.S. For what it's worth, my last blog entry was waaay back in July too. Ooops.