Do you remember the fun and excitement of the grade school science fair? I remember it fondly. It was great innocent fun - the brainstorm...the secretiveness of it all...the suspense and giddiness the night before.
I wasn't overly inventive...I never won a ribbon but it was definitely good times. One year, my best friend and I decided to see which battery would last the longest - Duracell or Energizer. Our methods to drain the batteries in our flashlights didn't work out too well and the night before the judging, neither of our batteries had died we had to fudge the results.
Ahhh...the that I think back, I think on more than one occasion I made up the results because I left it until the last minute. Sounds like my university career. Maybe that's why I've gone into marketing...BS is my forte?
In other news, check out this cool craigslist-type site:
I found some great handmade gifts...and supported local artists! Do it, it makes you feel good.
An old friend of mine has some pretty cool quirky stuff for sale:
Wow - I'm turning 30 on Thursday and I didn't even post about it. Well, I guess I just did. And even found an appropriate picture.
Actually this picture isn't at all was just funny for a split second. Almost everyone I know has reassured me that 30 was the best year of their life...and I'm excited about the prospect. Just a little uneasy about leaving the good ol' 20''s been by my side for 10 good years. Well, it's not leaving me...that 20 year old with uneasy footing and puzzled faith is still in there somewhere. She's just growing up.
ohhh welcome to the 30's!! Its not so bad. Except when you play dodgeball against 20 somethings and they are all quick and spry.
My friend and I did a science project where we studied the effect of sleep depravation on test taking. The problem was we kept giving the subjects the same test over and over so they were improving because they knew the answers. Totally crapped out on that one.
Not scary at all. but I'm scared of 40, that is old.
RB - damn those 20 somethings! why do they have to be so agile? And that's hilarious about the science project. Back in the day, science projects were all about good ol' physical trial and error. Now, the young'ins have computers and google and stuff...
Big Ben -- Welcome to my blog! And thankfully nothing frightening has happened since I turned 30...although I did get a neck kink the other day when I turned my head too quickly. 40...yikes. That's when you have to start acting like an adult right?
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