Wednesday, February 4, 2009

too much of anything...

Hi friend. It's been a little while. I've been in fitness lock-down lately and now sit in front of my laptop doing crunches rather than waxing poetic about my daily exploits.

You see, I've been inspired. I have taken my gym workouts to a new level beyond any level I've ever achieved. And as I sit here, sweaty from the mother of all workouts, I start to wonder if it's having any effect other than taking me away from the things I love. For example: life. I have little energy for anything anymore. I go to work, come home, eat, workout, shower, sleep. Daily. It's bordering on obsessive actually. Could I be addicted to exercise? Is that even a thing?

In any case, I'm thinking of taking it down a notch. It's bordering on excessive. I must say though, I feel good because I'm finally fitting into my old clothes...but goodness me, the path to feeling fit shouldn't be this all consuming.

On another note, I had a major WTF moment at work today. You see, a co-worker, who works fairly close (in proximity) to me, speaks on the phone every so often in another language. Everytime I hear him speaking it, I listen intently trying to figure out what language it is. Sounds a bit Germanic, a tinge Swedish. Anyways, so my fellow co-workers were also curious and the ballsy one of us got up as soon as he got off the phone and said "where are you from?". He answered "Vancouver" and chuckled to himself. So Tammy, said co-worker, delved deeper -- "what language were you speaking just now?". He got a little flustered and replied "oh, that's a made-up buddies and I speak it to each other". What the hell? Apparently, he and his friends created this language when they were in high school and now they speak it to each other everytime they're together.

I just can't wrap my head around it. He HAS to be joking. But my boss went and tried to find out more and found out that one of the "buddies" manages all the words. The more she dug, the more I could tell it wasn't a joke. I'm completely fascinated and weirded out by the entire thing. It's pretty cool and insanely bizarre at the same time. I can't decide. Has anyone else ever heard of this? Making up an entire language? BANANAS.


Invisible G. said...

Hehe.. Yeah, like I said before, I met these two friends who spoke in their own code, it didn't sound near to English.

Very J.R. Toilken, and that guy was a nutter, brilliant, but a nutter.

rawbean said...

I want to know who that guy is!!