Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sleep at last...

Finally, I'm catching some zzz's. I've discovered the secret to sleep: the swaddle. Actually, it's more of a re-discovery than a new development. We swaddled her as a newborn but stopped because apparently Bella hates having her arms wrapped up. HOWEVER, and here's the major discovery, she will sleep for over 7 hours straight if they are. So BOOYA for swaddling!

And so we've been out and about because now I'm well-rested and enjoying the weather we've had in the last little while. We had another play date on Tuesday, this time with Harrison. An old friend of mine (Bobbi) from elementary school/high school came to town from Toronto and brought her 4 month old. Surprise surprise, we were pregnant at the exact same time last year! Only two weeks apart, Harrison and Bella checked each other out for a few hours while Bobbi and I ate seafood and antipasti at Provence along the seawall. There wasn't much play during the play date as it was chilly out and not good weather to take the munchkins out of their strollers. And Bella was sleeeeeepy so there was a lot of zzz's. Here's a shot of Bella taking a snooze:

Arms up in typical Bella style.

And here she is saying "cheese" while chillin' with Harry:

That's all I have for now as I have to get ready for another play date with Aria and a baby shower this afternoon. I'll have to post more pics of baby B hanging out with the chicas at the shower :)

And I'll have to re-cap ANTM later...although I don't have much to say other than it was cheeeeeezy! That Fab Bus segment was uber corny. And thank goodness the show is only an hour now. I couldn't handle the extra half hour of forcing myself to stay awake to watch panel. Complaints complaints. I know..."stop watching then" but I just can't. I can't do it. I'm an addict. I need help.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I will never tire of seeing Bella sleeping!!!! Such a peaceful little angel! And btw, thanks so much for making me hooked on NTM again, ya right!