Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vaccines, Playmats and Next Top Model post #2

Bella's dreaded 4 month vaccinations were yesterday. We were hoping and praying that this time Bella didn't have a screaming fit from muscle pain like she did at 2 months...and thank goodness, Bella screamed only when the needle went in (twice) and then was laughing and happy for the rest of the afternoon.

Before her shots, we went out and bought her a new playmat because firstly, I thought that she MUST be getting bored of staring at the same toys every single day for 4 months. And secondly, we felt bad about the shots and wanted her to not hate us. So we were super excited to put her on her new mat when we got home...we ripped that packaging apart and put Bella on her new mat...and felt like kids again, it was like waiting to see a parents reaction to a hokey gift you gave them. Immediately, she hated it...cried and wriggled around and didn't even want to look at the new toys. What the hell? So I picked her up and let her look at her new mat from afar. She stared in wonderment at it and even I put her down again. But nope, tears and wriggling. Again with the numerology, number 7's apparently don't like change and need slow transitions to new surroundings. So we put her old toys on her new mat...result: a few tears then breakthrough! She put one of the new toys in her mouth then smiled:

So the new playmat is here to stay :)


And now onto more frivolous things: ANTM. I couldn't have been more wrong. My girl Gabrielle is gone, and Naduah (who I found super annoying but nonetheless thought would be a contender to win) didn't make it through the final judging panel. And so now I'm thinking Raina might win...her picture was definitely "fierce".

Could that word be any more annoying? Wow, I love how I've used the word annoying at least 5 times in this and my last ANTM post and yet I continue to watch.

Anyways, what is up with Ren? Is heroine chic back in fashion? That's her on the left.

This girl here is definitely not a fan.

That's all I have for now.


Wendy said...

Wow, you have the best mommy instincts! That is very impressive of you, to figure out how to get Bella to enjoy her new mat.

Btw, I have not been watching NTM, but that heroine chic girl looks like Ashley Simpson, yes?

rawbean said...

I agree with Ren actually - that house IS annoying. It would drive me crazy too.

I gotta check out numerology.

salsero! said...

Wendy - I'm SO glad you're watching now :)

RB - I think that house would drive anyone nuts. But if you're on ANTM, you are most likely as annoying as everyone else in the house. And re: numerology...Victor and Bella are the same number (7) and actually have the same's pretty interesting.