Sunday, September 5, 2010

10 months of Bellita Felicita Chiquita Being Crazy Adorable

It just seems that I can't get it together to post regularly. Yet I constantly commit to myself to make a commitment to post. Whew, that's a lot of commitment in one sentence.

So, from now on, I will commit(!) to post everyday no matter what, even if all I've done is picked my nose*. Therefore, brace yourself for some pretty boring posts in the near future...

And now for an update on the miniature supermodel:

She is only 10 months and has developed the most awesomest personality that I have ever encountered (ofcourse, I'm biased). If I were to guess what she'll be when she grows up, I would have to say she'll be an entertainer.

She loves to make people laugh with these ridiculous funny faces and just looooves attention from strangers. Whenever I'm waiting in a line-up, no matter where I am, she'll sing out really loudly so the person in front of me will turn around...then she'll wave hello with a big smile on her face, like "look at me, I'm cute". She's also onto her first words other than mama/dada. She now says "pepe" for bottle and "agua" for water. Yep that's cookie is she not?

And now onto not so great, really candid, news. I've been taking the pill for the first time ever and have been up and down like a rodeo clown** emotionally I mean. So the pill is no longer and onto a search for birth control that leaves me as me with no hormonal imbalances that make me want to punch my husband in the face***.

* yes, that's a metaphor...I don't actually pick my nose.
** yes, that's a hyperbole. Score two for figurative language and grade 8 English.
*** Figuratively ofcourse! And can you tell I'm hormonal? I don't normally say such things!

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