Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jerk Store

I feel like a total jerk for being so down on Remembrance Day in my last post. I think I just like to be a contrarian sometimes and Victor kept asking me why I didn't want to be "thankful" by watching boring war movies. And so I protested which resulted in my post.

Anyways, we were in Sechelt cleaning out my grandma's storage unit (visit #2), and at 11, decided to go to the Remembrance Day gathering downtown. It was a somber day and I felt the gratitude of the crowd. Amongst the gratitude, I was on crack for not being cognizant of the sacrifices made for our "freedom". Although sceptical of that word (hence the quotes), I totally get it.

I also had a not so good day at work yesterday. I felt completely lost in my work and didn't even take a lunch break - worked straight through 8.5 hours on maybe 5 hours sleep total. I was a complete mess to say the least and had a breakdown after work. A minor breakdown but a breakdown nonetheless. Thanks to Victor and my mom, I'm feeling much better now. The first three days of work went well and felt good actually, but that fourth day was a killer. And I've been told that it's going to take some adjustment and some breakdowns before I feel completely confident in the fact that I know what I'm doing (work-wise, and for that matter, mom-wise, wife-wise and friend-wise).

Sorry about the intense posts - I'm just going through a weird time right now!


rawbean said...

Oh no! Well I think a run probably wouldn't have worked out - or maybe it would have! Sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday! I stayed at work until after 6 and then left feeling defeated as I didn't meet my deadline and was trying to plan an impossible space plan!

I've heard it is a total adjustment to go back to work after your first baby! Hang in there - you're amazing!

wendy said...

Yikes! No wonder you couldn't email! Total life adjustment again, but you will rock this too!

salsero! said...

Thanks chiquitas! I feel tons better already. It was just "one of those days".

Rawbean - I ended up walking to Main St. skytrain thinking I could walk off some stress...and then started wheezing on the Georgia St. bridge...and no inhaler! So it's a good thing we didn't run or else you might have been taking me to the ER :). Victor saved the day and picked me up with my inhaler.