Sunday, January 2, 2011

Seizures, Cooped Up Inside and Bump-It's

I haven't posted in a while, mainly due to Christmas and New Year's and all things festivous.

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. We even had a mad rush to the children's emergency ward as Bellita had a febrile seizure which scared me senseless. Then a fever, then a rash. It's funny how life is, perfectly healthy one second and then all of a sudden, BAM! SEIZURE, FEVER, RASH. Out of nowhere.

We've had to stay in for the last few days because of her fever. So now I'm feeling like a caged animal. Just seeing the sun hit the roof tops outside my window is enough to make-a-me-crazy. I think I might take B out today despite doctor's orders.

I also had my hair done yesterday and need to show it off. You can't get your hair done and then stay inside. The world needs to see it, no?

The "gettin' my hair did" experience was very funny. From start to finish the story is quite funny from all aspects. You see, I had been wanting to get a Brazilian Blowout for a while but couldn't justify spending $300 on my hair. So I was excited to see a Brazilian Blowout special on LivingSocial (a local company that sends you daily offers/sales/coupons via email) for $150. I finally made it to the salon (they were booked for weeks) and the experience was AWESOME. I walked into a Jersey Shore episode. The girl that did my hair was 18 years old, tanned in January, had a bump it (I SWEAR) in her hair, and fake nails that were sparkly and long. I was a little worried in the beginning but she knew her stuff. And assured me that the Blowout isn't as bad chemically as it used to be...they used a keratin solution and required no masks or anything. It was simply pure protein applied to my hair, then blow dried and ironed out.

I was in the salon for 3 hours and got to witness a loud silver-haired beefy Italian guy go in for a 20 minute tan (they also have tanning). To add to the entertainment, the girl doing my hair divulged that she had the "hots" for one of the clients...who came in shortly. I had to sit right beside the guy as they flirted. Well not really flirted, but I could feel the sexual tension. They actually didn't talk directly but talked through the other stylist (who had told him that my stylist thought he was hot). Wow, I feel like I'm in high school after writing that sentence. Was totally uncomfortable yet hilarious to witness. And in the end of all this delicious entertainment, I ended up paying another $150 dollars (expecting to pay only $65 for products) due to the length of my hair, taxes and additional product that I decided to buy. So in total, it added up to the $300 I would've paid at another salon. But without the added entertainment. It was so good, that the RHNJ marathon didn't seem as interesting when I got home.

And so we'll see how my hair looks in three days, after I get to finally wash it and see how the curl turns out.

Not much of a reflective New Year's post...and there was not much going on on New Year's Eve to tell a tale of. We spent the night with a sick little princess, ate lobster, crab and shrimp for dinner, tried putting the bean to bet at 8:30 but she partied until almost 11pm. We were exhausted after that and decided to just clean-up and go to bed by 11:30. We were still awake at 12 and gave each other a New Year's Eve kiss, said "Happy New Year" and then quickly fell asleep.

And Christmas melted my heart with Bella walking around and dancing, entertaining the crowd:

Happy New Year to you! And to all a good night!

1 comment:

wendy said...

At the risk of sounding completely untrendy......what the heck is a Brazilian blowout anyways???