Other favourite things? Let's bullet this:
- Lazy sundays with good coffee and cute babies.
- A husband that loves to cook and clean up the kitchen.
- Brown paper packages tied up with string (I just had to because, well who doesn't?).
- Warm sun on your back while you read a good book.
- PVR'ed Bethenny, RHOC and Holmes Inspection.
- Breakfasts with eggs and potatoes.
- Walks to the park with crisp wind that settles.
- Watching Bella clap and "yay" the loudest in Sunday gymnastics.
And finally? The fact that all my favourite things are for the most part intangible.
OH MY GOD, I had no idea about your love for Bethenny and the Real Housewives. We need to talk (or go out again). Sorry about the early night! I remember being so tired! I'm like that a lot lately.
Yes - let's do it again! You brought me out of my hibernation shell by the way :)
And actually, now that I think of it, it wasn't early in comparison to how late I stay out. Which is never so I have nothing to compare it to. That made no sense.
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