Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pig Roasts n' Cuddles

The past few weeks have been those kind of weeks where you write a post and then save it to finish later. Resulting in a backlog of unfinished posts which I have decided to post post-humously (fun pun?). So here goes:

This past weekend, we went to a big pig roast party. And what came out of the whole thing is that I decided to quit eating meat...well, I mean the non pesca variety of meat. So formally, I'm embarking on a new eating adventure which is extremely exciting. And which may also result in a less expensive grocery bill!

But my real point about the pig roast is that day-by-day, Bella just amazes me. She is the happiest, most vibrant little babes. Ofcourse any mother would say that but I am really in awe of her personality beginning to shine. She spent a fair amount of the night in the middle of a huddle of adults and became the entertainment. She danced for us, sang for us, did a lot of "how big is Bella"  and pretended to make tortillas (my mom can take credit for that one), which everyone got a kick out of.

Here she is gettin' super jiggy with it:

This mothering thing just gets better and better every day. And I'm not even complaining about being woken up at 6:30 EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE FOR THE NEXT I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY YEARS.

Truthfully, I would give up any amount of sleeping in for even just a day spent with Bella. Even though I caps'ed that sentence above, it's really not that bad.

Today, I woke up to hear B singing in her crib. I picked her up and we cuddled on the couch for a bit. And something about it just made me feel so darn happy. Cuddles tend to do that.

1 comment:

wendy said...

Yay for updated blog posts!