Thursday, September 18, 2008

furrowed eyebrows

Why i'm annoyed:

Too much work, so little time. I feel kind of like i'm drowning in work and it seems like there is no silver lining. I wish sometimes that the more work you did, the more money you got. I kept thinking how wonderful it would be if my boss dropped by my desk and handed me a big wad of cash and said "you've been working your a$$ off lately -- and we really appreciate it. Go buy yourself something nice". But no, it seems the less work you do, the more money you make. Or maybe I just need to look for a new job.

Ignorant comments. One of my co-workers, one that i've always looked up to as a grandpa figure, said "it's so nice to have a lady in our meetings, something nice to look at rather than staring at men for 4 hours". He was talking about a friend of mine...and it was really sexist. Granted, he must have been 50 in the Reagan era, but still, it made me look at him in a different light. I should excuse it and laugh it off but I didn't...and maybe it's because I was in a bad mood today.

Uncomfortable compliments. I walked home today after going for a 30 minute run with a couple of co-workers. Looking haggard, drenched in sweat and wearing shorts, dirty running shoes and a dressy winter coat, this guy said to me right outside of Bikram's Yoga "wow, you have nice legs". So all I did was furrow my eyebrows and said "uhhhh, thanks?". Again, maybe I should have laughed it off and even been greatful? But no, it made me feel uncomfortable? Blush.

Family Guy. I feel like my tv watching has been railroaded by Lenny. He is in love with Family Guy. I used to chuckle at the show but it's getting under my skin now. Especially since it seems like it's always the same damn show playing over and over again. It's so juvenile. Mad face. And the volume is so loud. Although it's not such a bad thing since it gets me to be productive and stay out of the living room.

Chips in the cupboard. My brother came over this weekend so Lenny stocked up on chips. And now he pulls them out everytime the tv goes on. The one thing I have no willpower against - CHIPS. There goes the fat burning benefits of my run today :)

Okay - this post was really lame and full of complaints but it's been sitting in my draft posts for almost a week now so I better just post it before it creates a bottleneck for future posts.

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