Saturday, October 11, 2008

nerdy saturday night

I don't know if "Saturday night" as I used to know it is over, but I'm currently sitting on my couch, eating a Reese's peanut butter cup and downloading a movie. And this is getting pretty typical. Am I just getting old and tired? No. You know, I actually enjoy spending at least one night in on the weekend. Veg, eat fun food, watch a good (or bad) movie - go to bed early and wake up on a Sunday without a hangover. To me, that is heaven.

Although, I can see how in a few years, the fun food and laying on the couch might lead to some scary physical changes. And maybe I've gotten too "comfortable" where I am.

But on another note, Lenny and I went to a concert last night and had a lot of fun...or at least I did. I was excited about finally getting to see Weezer live. I still remember the first time I heard them. It was a Friday night and all our friends were out drinking at a hicktown pit party. I, on the other hand, was driving up to Harper Mountain (in my home town of Kamloops) with my best friend (at the time - Kristy), her boyfriend (Maki) and Maki's friend Trevor. Trevor told us about this really cool band...he introduced them as a "bunch of nerds with guitars". He asked us to put his newly acquired tape into the Chevette's most excellent souped up tape player.

You see, Trevor was going to teach Kristy and I how to snowboard. We were 16 and so eager yet scared out of our minds. But we got up on those boards and did our best. Truthfully, I never really "got" snowboarding. But what I still remember from that first venture was the music that themed it. "Say it ain't so" still smells like snow and adventure to me. And just plain good ol' clean fun.

It was so good to share that love with my newbie Weezer fan, Lenny. I slowly brought him over to my side of the Weezer lovin' when I made a CD for him with "Perfect Situation" and "In the Garage". I told him exactly what Trevor said in the car that day "they're a bunch of nerds with guitars". To which Lenny couldn't believe. Again, culturally, his European idea of a nerd is a much more negative one than the Canadian connotation. He was hellbent on proving me wrong about that and even pulled up a youtube video of "Perfect Situation". "Look" he said, "they're not nerds...look at all the girls".

I went on to explain to him that being a nerd is not a bad thing. Nerds are actually really cool. Are they not? Or maybe going back to my last post, I've always had a soft spot for nerds because my dad has always been very nerdy (pocket protector anyone?).

So when I say I'm a nerd who likes to stay home at least one night on the weekend, then I guess I'm actually saying I think i'm kind of, sort of cool?

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