Tuesday, December 2, 2008

nothing to blog about

I've sat here trying to think of something to write about and kept coming up with nada. So I decided to pull a random quote from whatever random book I picked out of my bookshelf. This is what the universe chose for me to blog about:

"All favorable environments, all facilities for human life tend to make man more sedentary".

Say what? Okay...easy enough. Comfort leads to laziness. Hmmmm. I can roll with this.

How timely as I sit on my couch surrounded by a big ol' favourable environment: my living room, the television at its helm; sweats warming up my skin; popcorn in my mouth; and a laptop at my fingertips. The comforts that are leading to my post-work couch potato tendencies, my lack of social events throughout the week and my expanding waistline. Are these facilities for human life? Not really. Luxuries? Hmmm debatable...more like necessities of my generation (minus the popcorn).

Should these comforts be limited? No, I should be able to self-regulate. I'm not very good at it but I always have that option. I have a few friends that don't have television and they don't seem more nor less productive than me. And everyone eats and everyone computes. Moderation is key.

The author of the above quote did not intend this message for such trivial issues such as getting your butt to the gym...the author being none other than Che Guevara.

In the randomly chosen book, at the randomly chosen page, Che then goes on to talk about guerilla warfare and how common day comforts lead to nomadism for a true revolutionary. Blink...blink.

Yes, I get it, comfort leads to apathy. And Che wants us to know that a true revolutionary feels trapped in comfort. They squirm to release themselves from leisure, always seeking the difficult road.

Conclusion: a true revolutionary I am not. I just want to go to the gym every once in a while and on occasion, overthrow the comfort of my couch...not the government (the opposition is already doing that).

All in all though, I should keep an eye on my apathy level. Don't want it to reach 100% without my realizing it. You never know when you could use some cranked up guerilla spirit. Like when discussing immigration with "ignorant rabid Canadians"*.

* Thanks to you Maria, I now have an excellent way of describing this crew.


Invisible G. said...

For a random post, this is brilliant. I'm impressed with your randomness.

It's weird, as I get older (and I'm old), my level of awareness about the antics of the world increases. One would think I'd just insulate myself in pashmina shawls and truffles. Guess it's my curious nature. :)

salsero! said...

You definitely have the worldly thing goin' on chica.

I could use some of your curiousity. It's gotten lost in the last few years. I try...but I've become the person that buys the Globe and Mail with good intentions but ends up reading the fashion section only.

Yikes...seriously, I'm going to work on it. We should have a current events party -- with wine ofcourse :)