Sunday, November 15, 2009

Love and marriage go together with a baby carriage

A lot has happened since I last posted. I've reached two major lifetime milestones in just 9 short months...the first being Victor and I now have a beautiful little girl named Bella (Banana Peanut Boo Boo Monkey). The second, our marriage that had been planned for September 12, 2009 was moved up a little early to May 30 (I was not a fan of being 7 months pregnant at my wedding).

I wanted so badly to post while pregnant however, I was pukes mcgee for all nine months and had no energy other than to go to work, puke, then come home and sleep. I spent many long days at work, running back and forth to the bathroom while working against major deadlines. It left me little to no "get up and go" when I got home. So Victor would cook me dinner (if I could stomach it), I would throw up, then fall asleep around 7pm. Good times. But THANK GOODNESS for the hormonal forcefield of my little one, Victor and I now have a beautiful, healthy baby girl who fills our life with so much joy. I mean, life was getting to be a little monotonous without a little monkey to fawn over!

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