Thursday, April 29, 2010

working while on mat leave, cousin Ashton and holy crap, Felicia's already 6 months old

I know, I know, it's a long post title but I couldn't think of a short title that summarized everything that's been going on in the last few days. First off, I've been doing a bit of work work, like for money and everything. And BALLS, it was probably the worst idea I've ever had...well, except for the getting paid part. It really made me realize that perhaps working from home with child is not a good idea. There is something to be said for going to an office to get away from home demands...and well, I actually don't want to get away from home demands because they are wrapped in sweetness and hugs and fits of laughter. Felicia being my one and only home demand (as everything else takes a back seat).

And so when the time came that I finished my little project, piles of laundry and dirty floors awaited me. As well as a patient little baby who is now SIX MONTHS old! I still can't believe little cha-cha has been in our lives for half a year already. It almost seems like she's all grown up. She sleeps 10 - 12 hours a night now straight through...rolls around the living room to keep herself busy...babbles like she's having a lengthy conversation with me...and laughs ridiculously at random things I say. Like today, as I was blowing bubbles into a glass of water, then would stop and say "bubbles!", she would break out in hysterics. All serious while studying the bubbles, then all out belly laugh. See here for another example of the cutest thing ever...this time, it began as I explained to her what I was eating for breakfast ("toast with peanut butter") and she thought I was a regular Jerry Seinfeld or something:

Anyways, in other news around here, my sister-in-law (who lives upstairs) is in labour. And has been since yesterday at 7-ish pm. She and my brother-in-law came down for dinner yesterday while she was having contractions and it was great fun (for us). I gave my brother-in-law a stopwatch so he could time their length and got him to write down the time lapse between each one...and we even began taking bets on when the next one would come. Thank goodness the contractions weren't that strong otherwise she would have punched us all out, I'm sure. After not sleeping all night, they are now at the hospital (holy goodness, it's already been 26 hours of labour). And so we wait patiently for cousin "Ashton". Everytime Victor's phone rings, I run into the living room to see what's going on...then I get waved away and make my way back to our room all crushed. I can't wait to meet the little guy who will practically be a brother to Felicia. So we wait...more news to come when the little guy decides to make an appearance.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

where do you see yourself in five years?

It's funny how life changes in an instant, a millisecond. For Victor and I, that change happened over a year ago. Last March to be exact. From one moment to the next, it became all about our near to distant future rather than whether to have rice or potatoes with the chicken that night. None of the immediate stuff mattered anymore.

It started with an inkling and led to a pregnancy test. We were all "pregnant?" then "pregnant!" to "holy shiz, are we ready?" to "ME? A mom/dad?". I had been having urges to bring a little one into this world mainly because I felt that it would be such a wonderful thing to experience with Victor...and how awesome, to give us an extra little companion for the rest of our lives! We had been together for 4 years and it was definitely moving closer and closer in that direction. We talked about it in passing...always saying that by 32, it would be in the cards. Here we are getting closer to those cards than we thought...a month prior to said cards actually:

Yet, when it was actually staring me in the face, I questioned whether I would make a good mother. It had been five years or more since I had completely buried myself in work whether it was my day-to-day all-consuming career, or my contract work on the side. Oh and the 1.5 hour workouts everyday that I became addicted to in early 2009. I was the type of person that took on WAY too much at once. So in a way, I thought, "bring it on!", and the fact that I had absolutely 1000% support and assurance from Victor didn't help...wait, or did?

And so three months passed and during those three months, my friends were there for me with reassuring voices. Wendy especially made me feel so confident in my upcoming mom-hood. And then Felicia started to move and kick and hiccup like nothing I could ever imagine. Every night, Victor and I would cuddle with the belly and wait for the rhythmic pitter patter of those hiccups. And despite feeling throw-uppy all the time, I really bonded with my little tummy companion. She became my light even before I met her. She gave me energy even when I was drained from all the sickness and big body lazyness. And when we finally met her, I couldn't believe how beautiful she was/is. And to this day, I can't get enough of her.

Actually, as soon as I put her to bed, I miss her. I almost feel like going into her room right now and waking her up just so we can hang out and cuddle. I'm pretty strict with the "never wake a sleeping baby rule" but goodness, sometimes I wish I wasn't. Okay, update, while writing this, I actually went into her room to re-adjust her blankets. Just part of the mommy double check duty...ahem.

And so how do I answer the question titling this post? Well now, five years brings me to Felicia's first year of Kindergarten or at least getting ready for practice, yoga and dance lessons (SO CUTE)...buying a home...hopefully running a consulting business from said home...and living life with family and friends 70% of the time and working at something I love 30% of the time...oh and maybe five years from now, we'll have just come back from a family trip to Roatan...with the possibility of another monkey added to our clan...possibly.

And come to think of it, I guess not much has changed in my five year plan. Everything is just as I would've wanted it to be. And then some.

Anyways, parting's still hard to imagine that I'm a I get a gift on mother's day and everything! Another #$%@^ card for Victor to buy every year...actually, I'm going to put in a request for homemade cards/gifts only :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

the munchkin patch

And so, I present our little ladybugs humble abode (note: it's still unfinished, but it might be awhile before I get on it again):

Felicia snuck into this picture without my realizing it...

She thinks she's pretty funny:

And a gratuitous close-up:

And this time, I snuck up on her:

And a shot of the cute little love birds hanging on her closet knobs courtesy of Rawbean!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the poconos

What a difference two weeks makes...we are now moved into our new place out in Port Coquitlam and are ABSOLUTELY loving it...emphasis on absolutely. I had no idea how green it was...and how "homey" it is...homey, homes. Our little homey loves it as well as she's now taken to sleeping 10 - 12 hours a night straight through without a peep or a meow.

It feels so good to have extra room to stretch out. I even have a big enough kitchen to dance around in. Bella (who we've now decided to call by her middle name - Felicia) will sit in her high chair and laugh at her crazy mom doing the vida loca while cutting up eggplant. It's pretty awesome. And her room! Fantastique if I say so myself! I'll have to post shots of's not fully there yet but almost. And I would take pictures now but homes is fast asleep and will be until the early morn. 6am to be exact.

So a few days ago, I went for a run to check out the PoCo running scene, and I was surprised to see a ton of runners...and it was nice to run on trails and on not-so-busy streets. OH and I decided to sprint through the forest on my last jaunt and didn't notice, but my phone fell out of my pocket. I thought for sure it was gone...I went back and searched and searched then came back home and called my phone from Victor's phone...and a teenage girl answered and said she tried to find me after I dropped it but couldn't find me after coming out of the trees. So she rode her bike to where I was...such a sweetheart! I was SO relieved as we all know that your phone is basically and extension of your arm...I would be so lost and lopsided without it. Lesson learned here: zip up pockets while running. And loving the new neighbourhood with good wholesome people who care about my phone :)...although, highly likely the same would've happened in Vancouver...but I just like to liken PoCo to having that small town sentiment.

And so, now that we have internet service (installed today), regular posting will resume. And I'll post some pics of the new digs soon!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Suburbia's been a pretty busy week. We're getting ready for a big move out to Port Coquitlam. We're moving in with my brother and sister-in-law as we need the extra space so our little bean can grow and toddle and all that jazz. Also, my sister-in-law Michelle is having her own little one in less than a month (my money is on April 17th even though her due date is April 30th). We are super excited for little "Ashton Mikota" to be born so Bella will have a playmate/cousin/partner-in-crime to chill with. Growing up, I always wished that I had family close by. It was only ever my parents, my brother and I. Bella will be lucky to have her cousin and aunt and uncle living just up the stairs from us in case she ever gets bored of mom and dad. Which better be never.

And so passed Bella's first Easter! Here we are all Easter-y:

And again, rolling with the theme of this post, we spent time in suburbia at the in-laws. We drove out to Langley quite early so we could get started on cooking up a pineapple glazed first ever! It turned out pretty good and I'm amazed at how easy it was...even though I undercooked the inside so shaved off the outside and put the uncooked parts back into the oven...forgetting it was there after about an hour. And yeah, burnt pineapple doesn't smell pretty. But all was well...there was enough ham to feed a farm...of ham eating animals? Anyways...

Being April 4th, Easter Sunday fell on my brother-in-law's (Manuel's) birthday. So in addition to Easter, we also had a birthday gettogether with the whole family over for a big dinner with too much food to fill our tum's. And Bella ate peas for the first time...we let my father-in-law feed her as he's been so eager (and sometimes has even tried to sneak her food behind our backs):

Can you tell she wasn't liking the peas much?

And oh, I can never get enough of these two together:

And this:

I know...cute overdose.

And so the rest of the weekend was spent cleaning our new place and running around like a madwoman smelling of bleach and baby puke. Good times I tell ya, good times. Oh and I can't forget a pic of my mom and Bella looking even more Easter-y (do you like my word make-upiosity?):

That's it for now - I better jump into bed so I get a good 4 hours sleep before Bella's 2am mommy and me time :)

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!