Thursday, April 29, 2010

working while on mat leave, cousin Ashton and holy crap, Felicia's already 6 months old

I know, I know, it's a long post title but I couldn't think of a short title that summarized everything that's been going on in the last few days. First off, I've been doing a bit of work work, like for money and everything. And BALLS, it was probably the worst idea I've ever had...well, except for the getting paid part. It really made me realize that perhaps working from home with child is not a good idea. There is something to be said for going to an office to get away from home demands...and well, I actually don't want to get away from home demands because they are wrapped in sweetness and hugs and fits of laughter. Felicia being my one and only home demand (as everything else takes a back seat).

And so when the time came that I finished my little project, piles of laundry and dirty floors awaited me. As well as a patient little baby who is now SIX MONTHS old! I still can't believe little cha-cha has been in our lives for half a year already. It almost seems like she's all grown up. She sleeps 10 - 12 hours a night now straight through...rolls around the living room to keep herself busy...babbles like she's having a lengthy conversation with me...and laughs ridiculously at random things I say. Like today, as I was blowing bubbles into a glass of water, then would stop and say "bubbles!", she would break out in hysterics. All serious while studying the bubbles, then all out belly laugh. See here for another example of the cutest thing ever...this time, it began as I explained to her what I was eating for breakfast ("toast with peanut butter") and she thought I was a regular Jerry Seinfeld or something:

Anyways, in other news around here, my sister-in-law (who lives upstairs) is in labour. And has been since yesterday at 7-ish pm. She and my brother-in-law came down for dinner yesterday while she was having contractions and it was great fun (for us). I gave my brother-in-law a stopwatch so he could time their length and got him to write down the time lapse between each one...and we even began taking bets on when the next one would come. Thank goodness the contractions weren't that strong otherwise she would have punched us all out, I'm sure. After not sleeping all night, they are now at the hospital (holy goodness, it's already been 26 hours of labour). And so we wait patiently for cousin "Ashton". Everytime Victor's phone rings, I run into the living room to see what's going on...then I get waved away and make my way back to our room all crushed. I can't wait to meet the little guy who will practically be a brother to Felicia. So we wait...more news to come when the little guy decides to make an appearance.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Awwww.........I will never tire of hearing Felicia's sweet little laugh! Oh my goodness, what an absolute doll! I love it!