Saturday, May 8, 2010

sick day(s)

It's been a few days...of sniffling and coughing, sore throats that feel like swallowing knives...and a boatload of sneezing inclus with tissues all over the place. It's been good times at casa mia.

Felicia's first cold hit our house like a hurricane. She had been sleeping through the night for three weeks straight. She would fall asleep between 6 and 7 and wake up between 5:30 and 7am every was so damn peaceful and I always woke up in awe...then would go into her room and give her a huge hug and thank her for giving me a good nights sleep. Then last Sunday, the baby monitor sang her cries at 1am in the morning. And so I got up and spent time with her, feeding, consoling and all that mom jazz. And then again at 3am, 4am, 5am and again at 7am. So began the week of sniffles and coughs. A trip to the ER, where we rocked her while we waited and turned back and went home when we had been waiting an hour already. Another trip to the doctor when we saw her temperature reached 37.5 (ahem...worry wart parents - we didn't know this is within the normal range).

Then I got sick when she started getting better and wanted me to have the energy that I usually do to skip around the kitchen and "jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down" with her. All I wanted to do was sleep and rest...but I'm a mom now and so had to force myself to mom around. Make breakfast, play, make lunch, play, rock to sleep, make dinner, play, rock to sleep. And now Victor's sick so we are both taking turns taking naps throughout the day (when he's home) so we can sleep away this plague. It really sucks because it's been so damn nice out that all I've wanted to do was go outside for baby strolls, runs, walks to the park...but no go as I can barely muster the energy to boil hot water.

Next post coming - baby Ashton's arrival! Felicia's little cousin is finally here and was born on April 30th (lucky parents got $1500 from Sears because he arrived on the due date!). Sadly, I haven't even been able to hold him yet as we've been quarantined. Hopefully, I'll wake up feeling like a trillion bucks tomorrow -- doubtful but a girl can hope :)

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