Saturday, May 15, 2010

goal post

Taking Rawbean's lead on setting some fitness goals, I thought I would list a few goals of my own for the coming months. As I've been sick for the last little while, Project Tumaway has been put on hold and it's getting a little difficult to get back into it. I attempted a run last Thursday but after 2 minutes, my body was screaming for me to stop. So it seems that my body is still in immuno-a$$-kicking mode. And rather than while away my days on the couch or on the floor with monkeysaurus, I plan on committing to the following:

1. One hour of cardio daily (walking? sure...running, even better)
2. Work out opposing muscles every other day (flabby arms and back...then legs and junk in the trunk)
3. Abs every day

And as a bonus, I'm joining another mom and baby yoga class out here in suburbia. Annnnnd I'm going to venture on the many trails around here and do some major hikes this summer. I've been talking about hiking the Chief for G knows how long, so I better get' er done...and by done, I mean by August.

It's amazing how my mat leave is already over half way over and I really need to start taking advantage of all this free (with subjects) time I have. And get my butt back in gear -- the ultimate goal is to finally finish the damn Sun Run training schedule that I have never, in my seven years of running the Sun Run, completed fully. In typical me fashion, I quit running four weeks before the run and run it anyways. Usually resulting in the same time of 65ish minutes and OVEREXERTION to the point of wheezing for an ambulance at the finish line (true story to which a co-worker who crossed the finish line with me will never let me forget).

And so, after that little necessary deviation from my list, the following goals round out this wonderful goal list:

4. Practice yoga at least once a week
5. Go on at least 5 hikes in the surrounding area by August
6. Hike the Chief by August
7. Complete the sun run training schedule (after 7 years, it's time...)

Oh and my motivation? Energy to chase this little one who is days away from learning to crawl:

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