Friday, May 28, 2010

don't ask, don't tell

So apparently today the US House voted to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the US military. It's about time! Canada has "allowed" GAL's in the military for almost 20 years now. I really don't understand what the big issue is here. I was reading various news articles on the subject and read comments written by soldiers saying that they did not want to sleep in the same barracks or shower with someone that was sexually attracted to them. Funny, I've never met a guy who didn't want to shower with someone who was sexually attracted to them...little joke there, but in all seriousness, how conceited? They're assuming that every gay person lives life as though they are at a niteclub. And really, would I hit on a gay guy when I know he's not attracted to me/my sex? Nuh uh, therefore, highly unlikely that a gay guy will hit on someone that he knows is not oriented that way.

It just infuriates me to read that someone has "nothing against gays" and then go onto say something like "I just don't want them hitting on me". It's such a contradiction to say you have nothing against someone yet you think they are out to convert you into their boyfriend/girlfriend against your will.

And so, that's my rant. I may not have a sophisticated argument here but ARGH! That's right, argh. And the change in law still has a long way to go but hey, it's a move in the right direction.

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