Saturday, June 26, 2010

7 month update

I'm so in love with my little girl that sometimes I watch her in awe...she amazes me each and every day and does things that just seem well beyond her years.

She's already crawling and STANDING. I've had a talk with her about growing up too fast but she's rebelling nonetheless. Here are a few other things that she's doing that melt my heart and leave me breathless:

  • When I pick her up from her crib, she rests her head in the crook of my neck, curls up in a little ball and sighs.

  • She does downward facing dog randomly while crawling around the floor. Just for fun sake.

  • When I say "beep beep?", she crawls over to her toy car and pushes the horn.

  • After waking up and hugging it out, we walk over to the front door and look outside to check the weather. She always waves hello to the world, like "Hi world, I'm awake!".

  • She gives me the stink eye when she doesn't want to eat anymore.

  • She sings to me when all is quiet in the house.

  • Whenever she hears someone else sing "ABCD", she stops whatever she's doing and looks "why is that person singing mommy's song?".

And this is neither here nor there but remember Soleil Moon-Frye? aka Punky Brewster? Well, I've updated her look to this:

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Awwwww, I'm so in love with her too! All of her little antics and the things she does are just too adorable for words. You are so blessed with such an amazing little girl!