Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's been a time...

Hi there - it's been a while since I last updated you on happenings at casa loca. Well, where should I start. Our laptop screen cracked a few weeks ago so I haven't had any urge to post or surf for that matter as our emergency laptop has a five inch screen (no joke) which requires lots of scrolling...and we're having issues with scrolling especially since we can't use a mouse with a curious and demanding 11 month old and a 12 week old kitten (who simultaneously like to get tangled up in the wires).

I also now have allergy-induced asthma due to the kitten so we've bought a massive air purifier and I've taken to loads of allergy medication so I can keep the nasty symptoms at bay. Crazy? Totally. But Lola has grown on me...and she and Bella have become best of friends (what's a few scratches between friends?). Oh and also, the cat keeps the mice away which was one of the reasons we got her as our building (unbeknownst to us when we got the place) has mice that are resilient to traps (the humane kind!).

Oh and also, my grandma has been ill and I've taken the ferry over to the Sunshine Coast twice in the past few days (and will most likely go back again tomorrow) to see her. The outlook is not good and unfortunately she has no capacity to speak or even keep her eyes open. Yet I know she can hear me because when I tell her stories, she responds in subtle ways. And at one point, Bella kept waving to her and saying "HI" over and over and I swear I heard my grandma say Hi through the respirator.

And now on a positive note, Bella has started walking! She took her first steps on October 9th (Thanksgiving weekend) and is now a walking machine. At her grandparents place, she just up and decided to walk from a living room chair over to me, on the sofa. Then, as I tried to keep her busy with my keys at one point during the evening, she walked straight to the front door (I'm talking major steps here) and pretended to unlock the door with the keys. She's a freakin' genius child!  How do they connect objects to actions like that? Only a few months ago, she was a drooling, rolling mess! (and I mean that in the best possible way ofcourse).

And I'm dying to post pictures and videos and witness testimony of her walking (like I'm sure all proud blogger parents do) however, this pseudo computer that I'm using doesn't allow me to. So it'll have to wait until our lovely cracked laptop is fixed and functioning...oh and I'll definitely post pictures of Bella and Lola getting into some monkey business. They're always up to something those two!

1 comment:

wendy said...

Ohhhh, I miss and love Bella!!!!!