Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How many Ferrero Rocher's can I eat in 10 minutes?

I guess since tomorrow is Remembrance Day, I should be doing things a little more retrospective than having a chocolate eating competition with myself. But I am and so there.

Victor keeps asking me to watch these war movies on tv to which I say "no thanks" very matter-of-factly. It's not that I don't respect what was done for us but I guess growing up with uber-liberal (meaning: communist), anti-war parents has, in the past, led me to non-chalantly shrug off Remembrance Day. I'm also a product of my apathetic generation. And I've never felt the realities of wartime.What we're experiencing in Iraq and Afghanistan just seems so far removed from my life.

But really, as the years have passed, and my opinions have matured, I think I've come to realize that we without question owe a lot to our soldiers. Some may go to war to unleash their violent tendencies, whereas there are those who fight for altruistic reasons. It's the altruism and that unbelievable loss of life that I want to remember.

Can you believe that the death toll in Iraq is 107,235 (according to Wikipedia)? I think I'll put down my Ferrero Rocher's and take a minute to remember tomorrow. Maybe that'll appease Victor as well, as he's now put on "The Mexican" (gag) because I won't watch any war movies.

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