Monday, November 15, 2010

Crazy Cat Lady

Hi, me again. I'm feeling much better today. After being back at work today, I realized that work really isn't that stressful if you "just breathe" (with inhaler in hand). Friday was just an overwhelming day but I got a lot of work done in order to meet a deadline...with all the robot-like work out of the way (Friday's to do list), I was able to get quite a bit of writing done today and felt good about it. I feel like I'm approaching my job with fresh eyes and my writing is less stale than it used to be...I feel a little more jazzy (*jazz hands* to no one in particular). And who knows, I may get edited down to stale city but at least I tried to liven things up!


So the at home life is lively as my crazy cat lady in the making:

No matter where Lola is hiding, Bella will find her and fall head first into her. The reason? Because Lola will lick her head and pat it lightly. See below for the crazy pair:

I can't get enough of it. Check out that little tongue!

And for the first time in my life, I'm prepared over a month in advance for a holiday (vs. the day before). We bought a cute little Charlie Brown Christmas tree (a little bigger than our hand-sized tree that I put up and decorate every year) and Bella got to put on (and then quickly take off) the first few ornaments.

Discoball on.

Discoball off. It went on like this for the next half hour. And Lola joined in thank goodness, because we needed more ball offingness (not a word? well it should be).
That's it for news from the homefront.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Oh how precious! I love seeing Bella with her new friend :) And I can't believe you have your tree up already! You beat me!