Saturday, March 13, 2010

Play Dates and Next Top Model

Well, well. Bella has already become quite the flirt. We went to meet little Tristan who, by the way, is much too young for little Bellita (one month her junior). And Bella was reaching out to touch his face when we weren't looking:

(Incidentally, Victor and I only noticed this while looking at the pictures up close last night.)

Immediately, when we put the two babies close together, Bella reached out to grab his hands:

She definitely loves the boy babes :)

I couldn't believe how big Tristan is at 3 months...he's 16 lbs vs. Bella's measly 11 pounds at 4 months. I bet that's why Liliana has such cut arms with 2 boys to tote around.


On a completely unrelated note, I started watching America's Next Top Model this week. I began to think, am I too old to watch this show? The girls keep getting younger and younger and more annoying meanwhile I grow older and more annoyed. I could just be getting crotchedy in my old age, although, I doubt I'll stop watching. I'm still obsessed with this show even after almost what, ten years of being on the air? It's the transformation factor that fascinates me. I love a good makeover and this show is all about the makeover. With a bit of competitive cattiness in the mix. This makes for good tv.

I love little crazy-hair Gabrielle although I bet Naduah or Raina will win. Oh and I had a moment of disgust for the producers of the show when they panned on Danielle, the pierced girl, crying after losing the first round of cuts, and unbeknownst to her, showing her underwear (or no underwear? huh?). How humiliating. Was she not insecure enough, now she's going to see this and feel even worse about herself. Yet low and behold, I kept watching despite my disgust. I should write them a letter.


rawbean said...

Awhh babies babies babies! Love how they are reaching out to each other.

I babysat my nephew last night but only got half an hour of awake time!

As for ANTM - I also watched - what a ridiculous show! But its the car-wreck aspect of it all that keeps me going back. I totally missed the underwear thing!

salsero! said...

They're little sleepy heads aren't they? Bella's been sleeping for over an hour and I keep going in to check on her because I want to hang out :)

And I'm glad there's at least one other person that I know that watches ANTM. Most people poo poo it when I mention it. Snobs ;)