Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the poconos

What a difference two weeks makes...we are now moved into our new place out in Port Coquitlam and are ABSOLUTELY loving it...emphasis on absolutely. I had no idea how green it was...and how "homey" it is...homey, homes. Our little homey loves it as well as she's now taken to sleeping 10 - 12 hours a night straight through without a peep or a meow.

It feels so good to have extra room to stretch out. I even have a big enough kitchen to dance around in. Bella (who we've now decided to call by her middle name - Felicia) will sit in her high chair and laugh at her crazy mom doing the vida loca while cutting up eggplant. It's pretty awesome. And her room! Fantastique if I say so myself! I'll have to post shots of's not fully there yet but almost. And I would take pictures now but homes is fast asleep and will be until the early morn. 6am to be exact.

So a few days ago, I went for a run to check out the PoCo running scene, and I was surprised to see a ton of runners...and it was nice to run on trails and on not-so-busy streets. OH and I decided to sprint through the forest on my last jaunt and didn't notice, but my phone fell out of my pocket. I thought for sure it was gone...I went back and searched and searched then came back home and called my phone from Victor's phone...and a teenage girl answered and said she tried to find me after I dropped it but couldn't find me after coming out of the trees. So she rode her bike to where I was...such a sweetheart! I was SO relieved as we all know that your phone is basically and extension of your arm...I would be so lost and lopsided without it. Lesson learned here: zip up pockets while running. And loving the new neighbourhood with good wholesome people who care about my phone :)...although, highly likely the same would've happened in Vancouver...but I just like to liken PoCo to having that small town sentiment.

And so, now that we have internet service (installed today), regular posting will resume. And I'll post some pics of the new digs soon!


Wendy said...

Eek! I can't wait to check out your new digs, despite the lengthy drive for me to get there ;)

And just fyi, there are honest people in Vancouver too! Don't go dissing it yet :) A lady left her wallet/purse in a shopping cart at Safeway last week, which I retrieved and promptly returned to the lost and found inside of Safeway. But I know what you mean, there is something about that 'small town, or burb mentality' that is different. So happy that you are all happy!

rawbean said...

Oh my god I'm so excited for you and your new house! Congratulations.

AND I am stoked about the name Felicia - so cute. Did you know I got by my second name and that my parents made the change when I was about 6 months old?