Monday, April 5, 2010

Suburbia's been a pretty busy week. We're getting ready for a big move out to Port Coquitlam. We're moving in with my brother and sister-in-law as we need the extra space so our little bean can grow and toddle and all that jazz. Also, my sister-in-law Michelle is having her own little one in less than a month (my money is on April 17th even though her due date is April 30th). We are super excited for little "Ashton Mikota" to be born so Bella will have a playmate/cousin/partner-in-crime to chill with. Growing up, I always wished that I had family close by. It was only ever my parents, my brother and I. Bella will be lucky to have her cousin and aunt and uncle living just up the stairs from us in case she ever gets bored of mom and dad. Which better be never.

And so passed Bella's first Easter! Here we are all Easter-y:

And again, rolling with the theme of this post, we spent time in suburbia at the in-laws. We drove out to Langley quite early so we could get started on cooking up a pineapple glazed first ever! It turned out pretty good and I'm amazed at how easy it was...even though I undercooked the inside so shaved off the outside and put the uncooked parts back into the oven...forgetting it was there after about an hour. And yeah, burnt pineapple doesn't smell pretty. But all was well...there was enough ham to feed a farm...of ham eating animals? Anyways...

Being April 4th, Easter Sunday fell on my brother-in-law's (Manuel's) birthday. So in addition to Easter, we also had a birthday gettogether with the whole family over for a big dinner with too much food to fill our tum's. And Bella ate peas for the first time...we let my father-in-law feed her as he's been so eager (and sometimes has even tried to sneak her food behind our backs):

Can you tell she wasn't liking the peas much?

And oh, I can never get enough of these two together:

And this:

I know...cute overdose.

And so the rest of the weekend was spent cleaning our new place and running around like a madwoman smelling of bleach and baby puke. Good times I tell ya, good times. Oh and I can't forget a pic of my mom and Bella looking even more Easter-y (do you like my word make-upiosity?):

That's it for now - I better jump into bed so I get a good 4 hours sleep before Bella's 2am mommy and me time :)

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Aw, how precious she looks in her little Easter outfit! And speaking of ham with pineapple, I was perusing the net yesterday so I could make one! I had a yankering, so I went to Safeway after work and bought a ham to make on the weekend :)