Sunday, June 20, 2010

d day

Today is father's day and because Victor is not my father, I didn't get him anything. Well, I may have bought him a bag of pistachios and made him a coupon for a homemade pedicure (clause: no stinky feet!). I know, I'm a cheapskate.

Felicia went all out. She got him a wonderful card and gruellingly spent time addressing the card to her favourite dad in the world.

Then, she got him a really nice aftershave and a tub of candy tarantulas (yuck). Oh and while shopping, she decided to get herself something, a radio that plays mozart/chopin/bach. I questioned her on the purchase but she protested (loudly) in the store.

And so we wait to spend time with our own papas. We're going all out fat pants city and having a buffet brunch (with seafood no less!) for my father-in-law. Then chilling with my dad in Vancouver...perhaps at the father's day celebration at Granville Island. Should be buckets o' fun.

Nothing too interesting to post so I'll leave it at that. OH but I can't forget an update on the World Cup.

(With all these 4:30am games, I'm a little delirious so excuse my obsession with shirtless men...or shirtless Ronaldo's).

So it seems that there are a lot of boring games happening in this world cup. I have no idea how many games have resulted in a tie. Complete snore show. I wish soccer could be a blend between hockey and soccer. A few fights here and there might make it a little more interesting. Kind of like the Holland/Portugal game back in 2006. That was a headbutting/tumbling/cussing mess but kept me on the edge of my seat.

And so, the most interesting thing about this world cup? I found out that Cristiano Ronaldo may be...perhaps...I-just-don' Kim Kardashian. Well, score one for curvy women but Kim Kardashian?


Wendy said...

That picture of V and BF is TOO adorable for words! Seriously, that is a really awesome picture of the two of them.

Wendy said...

That picture of V and BF is TOO adorable for words! Seriously, that is a really awesome picture of the two of them.