Wednesday, June 2, 2010

more festivities, vaccinations and baby weight

Here I sit eating M&M's,'s Victor's 31st birthday today and he's asleep on the couch at 9:41pm. And I'm this close to crashing but have to finish watching RHOC (a re-run, how pathetic). We didn't even have wine with dinner.

We woke up to breakfast in bed, made by my sister-in-law Michelle, and delivered by V's brother Manuel. We then spent some time chillaxin' with Felicia then went for sushi. Then decided to get even fatter and went to Samba's for dinner. And now I'm eating M&M's...overdoing it? Maybe but I'm celebrating. Celebrating my husband's 31st year of being around.

I'm also reflecting on the little bean machine. Today was Felicia's third round of vaccinations and rather than cry, she smiled a ton, flirted with everyone in the waiting room, laughed really hysterically at this goth family with long hair and trenchcoats (to which they in turn laughed), and just generally was an awesome kid. She has such a funky personality, it makes me beam with pride.

Oh and we're still waiting for teeth, see grandma gums:

We found out that she's on the small side compared to babies her age...she's not growing as fast as she should be apparently. She's only 15 lbs...which means nothing to someone not in baby land...but it's like 7 - 10th percentile kind of small. Weird though because she eats like a maniac...tonight at Samba's, she had a guacamole and bean fiesta. I know it's got to be attributed to all the rolling around and general antics she gets into throughout the day. So no need to worry -- she's got it all in the bag and will be growing at a good pace. I mean 15 lbs, that's a good weight for bicep curls hey?

1 comment:

rawbean said...

It was great seeing you at the office today! Felicia is SOOOOO cute and so wee and sweet.

Awhh....can't wait to hang out soon.