Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My bum feels totally violated. And no, not in that sense. Now let me tell you why:

I was on a packed skytrain on my way home from work and this guy behind me kept pressing his bum up against mine. I kept trying to move forward but he would just move back further. So I start pushing against him and he wouldn't budge. It was like he was enjoying it! This all started just before Main St. station and mine. I really couldn't tell if he was doing it just because he was squished and couldn't as soon as I was able to turn around (I had three massive guys - completely unrelated to the bum guy - standing in front of me...I was essentially blocked in!) and check, I did. And he turned and looked at me so it was super awkward. When I looked back, it clearly looked like he had enough room to at least lean forward to avoid the bum rub. By that time, it was already my stop and I got off. I felt like I should have said something but I felt like I had nothing concrete to say other than "stop touching your bum to mine!".  I felt so violated by the whole exchange that I called Victor right away and told him I was going to shower when I got home! I shivered at the feeling of his bum against mine.

I guess, in our society, we are so used to having our personal space. And even on a packed skytrain, I think most people try their best to avoid completely invading someone else's space i.e. having the important body parts not touching. So it seemed completely obvious that this guy was really trying to invade my personal space and even violate it. I was totally bummed on the skytrain. And now I'm having a glass of wine in hope of that not ever happening again.

Victor, by the way, asked me if I want him to find this guy. Even though I was grossed out, I think it was innocuous enough to avoid my husband giving him the bum's rush :)


Katrina said...

Dirty perve! (Him, not you obviously.) What a saddo to have to get his 'thrills' pressing bums on the skytrain, though I've often suspected such fondling goes on more than anyone's saying. Times like that you need pointy heels for a sharp dig/minor impaling incident......also , of course.

Hope Victor's around next time.

Katrina said...

Ooops, I meant also accidental, of course.

rawbean said...

GROSS! The skytrain is disgusting.