Monday, April 25, 2011

Missing easter bunnies, famous people and yikes, sometimes I dislike my mother

This post is going to be a mish mash of thoughts and goings-on in the past few days, starting with the build-up to easter. Victor and I had this plan to dye real hard boiled eggs for easter to avoid a chocolate binge. Mainly due to the fact that we both have a bit of an issue when chocolate is around and Bella seems to be catching on and being a good little chocoholic in the making. So we boiled some eggs on Friday in anticipation for a dye and decoration job on Saturday. We ended up doing the egg paint/decoration in a mad dash in the morning, then went out looking for an easter bunny for Bella to feast her eyes on. We had planned to go to a breakfast with bunny at our local community centre but found out it was sold out and that the easter bunny apparently wasn't coming anyways. Bella being none the wiser spent time at the playground instead. And Bella pulled out something new from her bag of tricks, she can now climb up to the slide and slide down all by herself. I was in mom awe.

Then Victor and I had a fun conversation on Sunday, we listed all the famous people we've seen in our lives. I reminisced to back in the old days when I used to go out after 9pm (regularly that is). I met Judd Nelson at the Cambie of all places. Judd of the Breakfast Club fame. A friend of mine called him over and he put his hand out to each one of us and said "Nice to meet you, I'm Judd". I really wanted to tell him that I wanted to french kiss him when I was 10 but I'm sure he hears that kind of thing all the time.

I also saw Ice T once while walking with a friend down Seymour. He was standing near a tree, with one of those nylon stockings covering his hair. We noticed that there was a guy to the left of us taking a pee in full view of our leering eyes. Everyone was deer in headlights. My friend, who was very Italian catholic said out loud "santa maria madre de dios" and made the cross sign. Both guys laughed and asked where we were going that night to which we both replied "home". I wasn't entirely positive that it was Ice T but low and behold, we heard that he was in town filming a movie shortly thereafter.

I also saw Hayden Christensen and Joshua Jackson standing on a street corner in London. I had just come out of a shoe store and was walking down a residential street and saw them both before me. I had my camera and thought "why not?" and walked up to them and asked for a picture. I was a bit more ballsy back then. They were both super nice and shared in my enthusiasm about being from Vancouver. They laughed at the fact that I still had a point and shoot film camera. I think I might have left them feeling a bit embarrassed...not by my camera but by my annoying fan-ness.

There are a few others but I think I'll leave it at that. I'm sure you'll really be interested in that fact that I met Mariah Carey's now husband.

Victor's famous people list involved soccer players only so it's not much to relay here.

I wanted to get to the fact that easter dinner was the pits this year. My mom thought it would be funny to be rude to me in front of her friends. She may have even said something which could be translated to "ugh, this girl never cares about anything". She completely disregarded my demand that Bella not eat any more candy. She also ordered my dad around like he's a little pup. He could care less and just goes with it, being almost 66 and used to it after 35 years. I guess I can never show her this blog now since I'm being so blunt but really, she really gets under my super thick skin. Sometimes I want to divorce her from my life but I know how good she is with Bella for the most part. And she is a good person inside, 60% of the time.

I really hope that when Bella is in her thirties, that she will enjoy spending time with me. I plan on doing the complete opposite of what my mother did in raising me and hopefully this will make all the difference.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

My famous peeps would be Christian Slater (on the Seabus), Elijah Wood (on Robson St.), Eric Estrada (wearing short-shorts no less), Donald Sutherland, David Duchovny (being v. grumpy in an ADR session I did with him) and Tori Spelling (who's a skinny fish-face in real life too).

On the mother side of things....I hear ya! Heck I even give my cats more nurturing, love & positive reinforcement than I ever got from my own mum.