Monday, April 11, 2011

To-do list obsession

I have to admit it. I'm an obsessive to-do list maker. I seem to have a to-do list a hundred pages long on a daily basis. I pepper my day with "I have to make sure I do this..." and "I better get this done today...". I write it all down in my day planner, on my blackberry, on receipts and scattered notebooks. It's "go for a run", "clean the bathroom", "read chapter 3 and finish two assignments", "order flowers for grandma's memorial", "get Bella's teary eye checked out", "buy milk". SEE? I'm so obsessed that I totally just to-do listed on my blog!

You know the truth behind my to-do lists? I never get anything done. I write it down to get it off my mind, then forget about it. My tasks go into the list abyss.

I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. Maybe I just need to do less rather than try to accomplish too much. Maybe I'll actually get things done if I stop loading up.

My mom has started taking a yoga and meditation class everyday and said to me "just breathe and slow down". Even though I rolled my eyes at that, I think that's going to be the first thing on my daily to-do list from now on.

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