Sunday, November 9, 2008

uh - sir, you have spit on your lip

Okay, I'm in a wild n' crazy posting mood today. So I thought I would tell a little random story:

At the two-day seminar in Seattle, I sat beside a middle-aged electrical engineer from Surrey. Now this guy was your typical engineer. He looked down when he spoke and rarely made eye contact. He was very vocal though. And didn't stop talking not realizing that I was a little turned off by his rant. He would open the flood gates of negativity in regards to sales and wouldn't stop until I would interrupt and when he wouldn't even acknowledge what I had said, I would find an escape and then turn around and talk to my other seat mate, Maria.

My first conversation with him went like this:

Me: "Oh so you're a fellow Canadian?"

Him: "Yeah"

Me: "I've heard your name before, I must know you...have you ever worked for us?"

Him: "No but I've heard of your firm and I don't have a very good impression of it".

And he went on to tell me why. And as he did, a pool of spit had gathered in the middle of his lip and I thought it was a piece of muffin or something. And I'm usually the person that will tell you if you have something on your face that shouldn't be there. But I kept quiet and thank god I did, because this kept happening throughout the two days. He had some sort of a superfluous saliva problem and it would've been rude of me to bring it up. He actually spat on my arm while talking about how much he hates the US proposal interview system. Thank gawd I was wearing long sleeves.

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