Sunday, November 2, 2008

I love daylight savings

It's so fantastic to get an extra hour of sleep. I feel like I accomplished so much today. I even went back to the gym for the first time in a month.

So I woke up this morning planning on going to Hot Yoga. I thought it would be a nice transition back into exercise.*

* There is actually no logic to this...Bikram's is definitely no "nice transition" into anything but a week of pain and a revulsion of ever going back. But I thought it would slim me down for a day since I've been feeling a bit sausagey lately. And even more illogically, I only ever feel like going to the gym when I'm feeling svelte.

So I woke up all refreshed, yawned, pulled on some shorts, sweats and a jacket, packed a towel and yoga mat and made my way to the end of the street. I walked up to the door of Bikram's and yanked. Locked. Hallloooo...I stared inside. It was if it had never been there.

Shucks. Bikram's on Cambie closed down as of November 1st...yesterday. So there I was, defeated and thinking "blast it!" I sulked back home, moped around for a bit, sighed a lot and then started cleaning. Avoiding the gym, I went out to Burnaby to visit a friend. Had a great time eating all you can eat sushi and window shopping with Susie - my hot chica banana :)

I made it home by 5 and somehow got up enough motivation to go to the gym (which is a block away from my apartment). It was a meek gym jaunt, a half hour at best. Did a bit of this, and a bit of that with little direction...and came home to eat dinner.

So although it took a whole day to finally get to the gym, I'm glad I did. And I hope this will become a regular thing. Even if it's just half and hour, at least it's something?

Yawn...exhausted...must be all that exercise.'s been a long day :)


rawbean said...

ohhh if you ever want a gym buddy, you know who to call - and I'm dying to try hot yoga so let me know if you find a new place.

Nice how I just invited myself there...if you want to be alone I totally understand! Sniff....

Invisible G. said...

Haha.. sounds like you put a lot effort into exercise! I only like daylight savings time in the spring, mainly because summer is on the way and yes, I realize we lose an hour, but we gain so much more (flowers, newly budding trees etc.)