Monday, March 29, 2010

Rice cereal, dark chocolate and will this rain ever end?

Today was such a blah day. I started out the day in a fairly good mood but as the weather darkened and the rain started pouring, I became more and more sour. And so my solution to a rainy day? Stay in and eat chocolate. Dark chocolate ofcourse. Since I don't do drugs or drink (well, on occasion...the drinking part I mean), my mood enhancer is a good dark chocolate. I typically buy the expensive stuff so that I stop myself from eating too much at once. My system didn't work too well today. But at least I felt better about the rain after my chocolate high and even ventured outside for a walk down to Commercial Drive for mint tea at Continental Cafe and a stroll through Wonderbucks.

And with little to no segue, yesterday was Bella's first time EVER with a real spoon and everything. Pretty exciting stuff for momma and poppa Bella Vida. It was only pasty white, bland rice cereal but she liked it, she really liked it! Proof positive:

And even more proof (warning - this is a loooong baby video...and I had major sniffly allergies so it may be a bit much for some...but really, I think it's the cutest thing ever if you just turn off the sound!):

Today is day two of Bella's introduction to food and I must say, I've never been so excited about making a bowl of cereal before. Well, maybe I have since I always dream about breakfast before falling asleep at night...but really, it's pretty much the most exciting thing ever. And look at her waiting in anticipation for that spoonful of goodness:

Oh and the pictures of Bella (promised in my previous post) taken at the shower (x 2) were not taken by me so it will be a while before I get any of them. And at one of the showers, the hostess used a non-digital camera. What the hell? I was handed the 35mm to take a couple of shots and felt like it was 1997 all over again. I'm no camera snob but let's all get with the 21st century shall we? She must be a number 7...not liking the rolling with change...hmmm, I wonder if I can fit numerology into every post...oh looks like I already have :)


wendy said...

I am MELTING, positively MELTING!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! What a major milestone! How cute was that!!!!!!!! Auntie Wendy loves you so much Bella! xo

rawbean said...

Awhh she's eating food already! So sweet. I remember when my nephew started eating Hummus on Toast, the sound he made while chewing was sooo cute - who knew such little things could make us crazy.