Monday, September 6, 2010

stuck on a feeling

Isn't it hard to get motivated when it's raining...and you're lazy? I want to clean our place yet I sit here talking about it instead of doing it.

I spent my night holding Felicia in my arms because she has a runny nose and can't breathe when she's laying down. It was a bit much but it was the only thing that got her to I have good reason to be lazy today. Especially with this kink in my neck.

Has anybody else noticed how this blog is starting to sound like a "Dear Diary"? I have. I hope you don't mind.

So in one of my last posts, I mentioned that I plan on changing careers...and I've got the ball rolling on that. It feels good, to have a goal to work towards. But I'm still I want to spend truckloads of money on school and growing my business, or buy a bigger place of our own in 5 years? Do I want to be my own boss or have a nice home to come to? I think I just answered my own question. Being my own boss and waiting a few more years for a home of our own is much more appealing than continuing to work on someone else's inflexible schedule.

On a related note, I just found out that my dad applied to do his M.Sc. at UBC. At 65! I beamed with pride and thought to myself, if he can do it, so can I! Then I was crushed to find out that he wasn't accepted. He spoke to the admitting prof and was told that they couldn't rightfully give a Master's spot to someone his age...when a younger person who would like to begin their career would lose out. And then he was told that he could sit in in classes if he likes. Big bummer. It really made me think that I better get my education over and done with before it's too late.


rawbean said...

Whoah that is quite the story about your dad - as if they denied him. That seems unfair, I get why, but still....its kind of age discrimination.

Okay so I've been meaning to text you all weekend. Maybe I will do it now!

salsero! said...

It SO is age discrimination! Jerks I tell ya!