Wednesday, September 22, 2010

These are the days of our lives

I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where time has slipped through my fingers as quickly as it is now. I ache for the day to feel long, to feel as though it's never going to end. It's a funny thing to wish for as I know if I was feeling it, I'd be wishing I wasn't.

My days spent with the ladybug are full of ROFL (rolling on floor laughing...I can't believe I just acronymed that). Days at the park on the swing, waiting for the loud "YAY" scream that comes every few minutes from the little bundle in my arms. The days at home where Bella will sneak up on me and bite me in the knee and laugh hysterically (while I think, "I should be mad" but rather laugh instead because it's pretty funny). Answering the phone to hear a "haaaallla?" really loudly somewhere in the room (with hand to ear, pretending to be on the phone as well). The quiet time spent looking at pictures of family and friends. The early mornings where we lay in bed together, sometimes quietly cuddling or practicing new words like this mornings "doggy"...or "doddy" according to the queen B.

These moments are like sands through an hourglass (another little soapopera reference there for ya). I know soon I'll wake up and Bella will be 15 and wanting to spend weekends with friends instead of us. So I enjoy it and try my best to make the day long. To live in the moment instead of worrying about the soon to be 10 hours away from home each and every day of the week. It makes me tear up as I write this but it's a damn fact of life. I'm gonna miss seeing this face for those 10 hours a day.

Well, that was sad. Pretty gloomy for a sunny day like today. So in short, I'll make the best out of our last month together. And absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? I'll spend my days lost in work and come home shouldering off stress to a warm hug from my little banana bean.


rawbean said...

Oh my god she's so adorable. What a sad but sweet little post. Enjoy the moment! Don't think too far ahead.

PLUS I get to hang out with you more once you're back at work!

Wendy said...

I don't blame you at all! I can't believe how quickly this year went. But at least Bella still has years and years and years of being your little girl.