Saturday, September 25, 2010

you've been skunked!

Last night, as Victor and I played our trillionth game of Uno (Victor's newest obsession), the stankiest stink wafted, no...thundered into our apartment. It went from skunk?, to SKUNK in no seconds flat. And it just kept getting worse. We didn't know the protocol...close the windows and hotbox? Or keep the windows open and use fans to ventilate? We tried the close windows option and almost died of skunkification. So an hour later, I thought all was safe and tried the ventilation trick.

You want to know what I woke up to this morning? A huge mouthful of SKUNK. That means the smell stayed in our apartment overnight (OR I had really bad breath that even I could smell). So I wonder, even if we're two stories up, could the skunk have climbed up the building and aimed his butt directly at our apartment? Could it be? And if so, will I, unbeknownst to me, smell like skunk to the outside world today? We'll soon find out as I have to run some errands. If I notice scrunched up faces and dirty looks, I'll know the answer.

1 comment:

rawbean said...

Oh the horror!

I know this isn't the same, but when I made that Brazilian stew, I woke up to the strongest smell of Kabasa was in my condo. I felt like I was marinating in the stew myself (damn slow cooker).

Smell is QUITE the sense. When it gets overpowered it can be really uncomfie!