Thursday, September 30, 2010


I lay here hoping that the guy cutting the grass across the street stops and that any jerk who honks on the street nearby thinks that maybe, just maybe, a baby might be trying to nap somewhere. But no beans. It's a sunny day and people forget that baby's are trying to sleep the world around. That's probably the last thing you're thinking when you reach for that horn.

It was a funny sort of day today. A day where we went to get coffee at our usual place (however we haven't been in eons), and Bill, the barista says "what's the babies name again?" and I replied "Bella" and he said "oh Stella! A beautiful name". And I corrected him..."no, it's Bella". And he continued to call her Stella. And then called me Lydia.

Then we went and picked up the newest addition to our family. We decided to get a cat. Yes. Me...a dog person. With a cat. She's a kitten actually and I have to say, she's pretty darned cute. We named her Lola as it's probably the easiest name for Bella to say. Right now, she's napping despite the grass cutting and honking and general douchebag-type noise outside. She ignores the sounds of the hour while Bella hears them and thinks it's time to play or jump up and down in her crib while she yells "mamamamamamamama" over and over. It's going to be one of those days where her second nap is tried and tested but not completed.

Back to the kitten. It seems that I'm going to have to be super vigilant around these two when they're together. Bella has already taken to picking the cat up by the ear, or leg or tail and I have to rush over and say "NO" to a baby who is still learning the concept. It's going to be fun times all around.


Nayway said...

I finally put a "Baby Sleeping. Please come back later" sign up on our front door. We have an elderly neighbor who will ring the door bell and when I answer, she'll say "I hope I didn't wake the baby". Damn it lady. From the front door you can clearly see the living room...if we're not there we're either not at home, or the baby is sleeping. Oh, and she can't pronounce my name...thus referring to me as Dylan's Mom..."Hi Dylan's Mom", "Hello, it's K-- calling, is this Dylan's Mom?"

I would love to have a cat. Please post pictures.

rawbean said...

That must be so frustrating with the honking!!

I hope you get a chance to rest when your baby is resting.

After being in Winnipeg last weekend, I saw how much sleep my friend doesn't get with a 6 month old and three year old in tow.

Hope to see you soon!

wendy said...

Hi Lydia!!!! I miss you guys. I want to see you soon!