Wednesday, May 26, 2010

what the?

For someone who professes to know a "little HTML", Blogger has made me feel so...what's the word...Luddite-ish. Why the hell is the posting date showing up as time only? Yeah, I don't know either. I checked the HTML (again, a "little HTML" knowledge does not go a long way) and everything looks right in the posting date area so...well, maybe I'll just change the template again. So there Blogger. Expect some changes soon.

Anyways, so the other day, I was thinking about how this blog has become all about my little monkey. My reasons for keeping this blog is to keep friends and family in the loop (even those of you that don't comment! And shout out to Rawbean and Wendy!) as to our daily antics as well as to have a written record so I can look back on Feli's progress/adventures. And the main reason: for Feli to be able to see how she was as a baby/little girl growing much would I have loved it if my mom kept a blog!?

Now, as I learned during my career in communications, you have to write for your clearly definied audience. My audience includes friends, Felicia and me. Any other readers are a bonus, and I would love it if more people came by to check us out but I know the content is pretty baby heavy...and a baby you don't know is typically not as interesting as one you do know. But I have to say, that I wouldn't have it any other way. Feli is now my muse. My inspiration for writing. And if she makes 80% of my posts, then that's because she is 80% of my life right now (and forever!). I know how important it is to keep the rest of who I am in check though and therefore, not every post will be about the love of my life (hence the 80% :).


rawbean said...

I was thinking just the other day "there is a lot of baby on this blog". I'm still totally interested in Felicia, I just may not always comment the obvious which is "sooo cute!" hehe....where's here license?

You gotta be real to yourself!

Oh and the time thing isn't in the html it's in the settings I think under "posting" or something like that.

salsero! said...

I know -- I think I was trying really hard to make this a diary for Felicia to read when she's older. But damn, I bet she'd like to read about me and who I am/was as well rather than how she slept or what she ate for breakfast. Therefore the shift in thinking and back to talking about myself :)

And it's weird, I checked the "Page Elements" and "Posting Options" and could not figure it out for the life of I just took out the time stamp all together until I figure out what the deal is!

Nayway said...

I was just browsing around Rawbean's little buddies...I'm a new Mom so I find the baby stuff curious. My life is revolving around trying to solidify a sleep routine, so always nice to hear others are in the same boat.

Super cute dress in your other post, love the yellow flats!

salsero! said...

Sweet! A fellow mom and new blog friend :) And yes, I swear, working on sleep becomes your new full-time job. I'm a big proponent of the nightly massage and storybook...but again, no matter what you do, those babes trick you by sticking to a good routine for a while, then switch things up without notice.

Anyways, congrats on the little one!